Get Owner’s information by a winery id. An owner can have diffents wineries. If you just have the winery id, you can find the owner using this funcion.
Resource URL
Format : json or xml
Target : owner
Method : GetOwnerByWineryId
Language : fr
VINCODWINERY : Winery’s Vincod.
Example Response
"address":"727 Boulevard Bernard Long - Les Consacs - BP 90300",
"value":"Estandon Vignerons vous fait d\u00e9couvrir les terroirs de la Provence viticole. \n\nLes viticulteurs d\u2019Estandon Vignerons sont pr\u00e9sents depuis plusieurs g\u00e9n\u00e9rations sur les terres proven\u00e7ales, travaillant avec respect et tradition les vignobles des diff\u00e9rentes d\u00e9nominations locales.\n\n<iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"315\" src=\"\/\/\/embed\/qNUBTtBnUvQ?rel=0&showinfo=0\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>"
"value":"Un Estandon ne vient jamais seul."
"name":"Logo Estandon Vignerons new",
"name":"DSC8907 mas soleil",
"name":"estandon logo reverse",