Get the tree of the owner’s Wine Catalogue including the wines.
Can be used to create a wine list. Set a starting point and an upper limit.
Version : available on versions 2 and 3
Format : available in json and xml
Target: owner
Method : GetCatalogueListingByVincod
LANGUAGE : language of the catalogue (fr, en, etc.)
VINCODOWNER: Vincod of the owner
VINCODACTIF: Vincod of the starting point
VINCODLIMIT: Vincod of the upper limit
APIKEY: authorized Api Key
"title":"Les Animals",
"title":"Fourmi Rouge 2017",
"title":"Fourmi Rouge 2016",
"title":"Fourmi Rouge 2015",
"title":"Fourmi Rouge 2014",
"title":"Ours Blanc Luberon 2017",
"title":"Ours Blanc Luberon 2016",
"title":"Ours Blanc Luberon 2015",
"title":"Ours Blanc Luberon 2014",
"title":"Ours Blanc Luberon 2013",
"title":"El\u00e9phant Rose Luberon Ros\u00e9 2017",
"title":"El\u00e9phant Rose Luberon Ros\u00e9 2016",
"title":"El\u00e9phant Rose Luberon Ros\u00e9 2015",
"title":"El\u00e9phant Rose Luberon Ros\u00e9 2014",
"title":"El\u00e9phant Rose Luberon Ros\u00e9 2013",
"title":"El\u00e9phant Rose Luberon Ros\u00e9 2012",
"title":"El\u00e9phant Rose Ventoux Ros\u00e9 2011",
"title":"El\u00e9phant Rose Ventoux Ros\u00e9 2010",