vin.co stores product data provided and owned by their producers.
If you have the producer’s agreement to use these data you will be granted an API key.
Using Vin.co’s API you can integrate these data in any application realtime. When the producer updates its data, your application will be automatically updated. Although you are requested to regularly update, we recommend you regulate the frequency of your request or set up a cache to avoid useless updates.
How does it work ?
The Owner is the root of the system. A winery is the child of an owner. An owner can handle several wineries grouped in families but this is optional. A winery can handle several ranges of wines but this is also optional.
The wines that are the key data. Every wine has a unique id called ‘VINCOD’ set on 6 digits.
There may be different vincod for the same wine as a vincod is associated both with the vintage and the language. We can have for example 80910F for « La Vieille Ferme Rouge 2020″ in French and 80910E for « La Vieille Ferme Red 2020″ in English. Those two vincod identify the same wine but in two different languages.
A vincod, therefore refers to a card, describing all the information about the wine. See wines’ attributes.
The owner, the family, the winery and the range also hold data. Each level has a unique id called ‘FILEVINCOD’ and set on 10 digits.
A filevincod, therefore also refers to a card, describing all the information about such level. See Owners’ attributes, familly’s attributes, winery’s attributes, ranges’ attributes.
First of all you need to have an API Key which can only be supplied by the vin.co’s account owner.
REST API : XML and JSON feed
There are two way to use our API. First, we provide json and xml feed. This feed give information about Owners, Winery, Range or Wine. By using our REST API you will be able to get this information. Then, feel free to parse those feed to extract needed information.